What other aspects of God’s character do you see-How do we appreciate this complexity?

Mark 14:1-11 This “exegetical observations” paper isolates and describes the most significant interpretive issues within a selected text. Kindly look at the sample paper below and do with Mark 14:1-11 one page. for greek definition, simply bold the word and will give the definition. Exegetical Observations on Mark 1:1–15 1. Contextual and linguistic issues A. […]

How would you define religion? What is the goal of religion? Is it “man-made?” Is there a kind of religion or religious system which you would consider credible and wholesome? What does that look like? What religion or religious system which you would consider foolish or destructive? What does that look like?

As of today, you have had a number of years to experience life and explore the greater world. Your experiences have helped shape the way you perceive, understand, and deal with the world. You have seen people succeed and fail; you have seen people endure pain, suffering, and even death. You have seen a variety […]