Identify specific moments when the character is being motivated intrinsically and extrinsically and how those moments contribute to the character’s overall success.

Topic: Maslows Hierarchy Examine Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Cognitive level of learning outcome: Apply, Analyze Evaluate the applicability of early theories of Motivation Cognitive level of learning outcome: Evaluate For the film Cast Away, identify how the main character moves through each level of the hierarchy of needs. Prepare an assessment paper on how the […]

What does the this language suggest about the culture of your organization? What does this language infer? How do these particular terms “other” Indigenous athletes, thus contributing to racial divisions? How do you think these particular terms alienate Indigenous players and erode self-esteem? What is your role as a coach/instructor in changing the use of this language?

1) Here is the setting: a) You are a coach/instructor/leader/director of a team, troupe, or organization. You can choose to oversee any organization– be it dance, football, basketball, cricket, gymnastics, karate, etc. The sky is the limit. I encourage you to draw upon your personal background/experiences here, if possible. b) While this is a large […]