What could a hiring manager ask a candidate to determine if there’s a good fit between the values of the organization and the candidate?

Market-Based Management What behavior do you think a system such as Market-Based Management might drive? The case describes how a number of senior managers were dismissed after the acquisition. How could employees interpret this? Does this help drive ethical culture? What is more challenging to fix: a knowledge gap or a values gap? What could […]

What are some things that an ethical leader can use to create a work environment that supports doing the right thing and discourages unethical conduct. Use the chapter and the Go Daddy article. 

What’s the difference between core values and aspirational values? What are some things that an ethical leader can use to create a work environment that supports doing the right thing and discourages unethical conduct. Use the chapter and the Go Daddy article. Briefly describe what is meant by alignment of ethical culture. How can a […]