Explain what your decision was and why you went with that decision.

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, complete the following: An ethical dilemma is a complex […]

Describe your reasoning process in taking or not taking action.

Minimum 2,000 words) (70 Marks) A. Your Ethical Dilemma. 1: Describe an ethical dilemma that you recently experienced. Be detailed: What was the situation? Who did it involve? Why? What happened? What did you do? What did you not do? Describe your reasoning process in taking or not taking action. What did others do to […]

What are the social and ethical threats emerging from rapid technological change?

Ethical Dilemma Assignment Objective: You will be able to demonstrate an understanding of ethics in the workplace and ethical issues in business due to personnel, technological, and or economic change. To begin this assignment, you will research, provide strategic method(s) to enhance the company’s workforce diversity or improve management of the workforce, and present an […]

Identify parties that may be affected by your decision making (whatever this decision may be)

Part A is based on how well you demonstrate your abilities to use the 8-step ethical reasoning process to identify and resolve an ethical dilemma: Identify the ethical dilemma  Identify the internal pressures (biases) on decision making(1 point for this step, 2 points each for the remaining 7 steps) Identify the cause of the dilemma […]

Write a paper explaining how to work with the following ethical dilemma

An ethical dilemma is one where there is no clear right or wrong options, just consequences to decisions. Managers are often faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. Understanding how to make ethical decisions is an important skill for all managers. For this assignment, consider the country affected by the trade agreement you studied […]

How will you respond to your colleagues if they find out how you won the contest?

Review the Ethical Dilemma Case Mexico Here Come located on p.29 of your text book. Answer each of the questions below. In addition, be sure to justify your opinions. The total length of your response should be no less than 2 pages (not including the title page and reference page). Ensure that your work is […]

Discuss Lavonda’s alternatives and possible professional and private outcomes for her.

An Ethical Dilemma Keeping in mind the facts and timeline of this situation, discuss Lavonda’s situation in terms of legal and ethical issues. Is Allen in violation of sexual harassment and/ or sexual discrimination laws in the United States? (600 words)- 7 Marks Discuss Lavonda’s alternatives and possible professional and private outcomes for her. (Minimum […]

What is a take-away from this case study for management of business operations?

  Topic: Ford Pinto Introduce the company (e.g. name, type of business, its corporate structure); Define and explain the core ethical dilemma confronting the company, with pertinent facts; this includes why it is an ethical issue; clearly define the dilemma; be clear as to the company’s situation and its ethical choices – the action the […]

What is the relationship between information technology and Uber’s business model? Explain your answer.

Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything? Task: Submit to complete this assignment Test your understanding of Module Six, and complete the Case Study: Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything? The case can be found in the Managing Information Systems Textbook. Analyze Uber using the competitive forces and value chain models. What is its […]