Explain why you chose the topic, why it is important and timely, and why others should care about it too.

labor explotation Make a decision and state it clearly, including why it is best. Justify it and defend it against criticism. How will you carry it out? Who will object to the decision? What are the weaknesses of the decision? How will you defend the decision? Explain how you would solve the problem and whether […]

What features of Western culture help lead people to believe in their primacy over nature?

What is global warming? What is the greenhouse effect and how does it influence global atmospheric temperatures? Based on your outside research, has this trend accelerated or slowed during the past 5 years? Use climate data to support your point. Describe four possible effects of global warming on the planet. Based on your research, what […]

What is the underlying problem in this case from the perspective of federal government, the parents, and the prospective college students?

Q1. What is the underlying problem in this case from the perspective of federal government, the parents, and the prospective college students?  (3 Marks) Q2. Why do you think the parents were willing to play such a significant and risky role in their kid’s college admissions? (3 Marks) Q3. How do you think the general […]

Describe the features of any 2 project management methodologies and mention their advantages and disadvantages.

    Learning Outcome(s): LO1: Define the job roles of an IT project manager and the key elements of the project management lifecycle. Question One Project managers often face ethical dilemmas. List and discuss any 4 ethical issues faced by IT project managers and how to handle those issues. Answer   2 Marks   Learning […]

Why do you think the parents were willing to play such a significant and risky role in their kid’s college admissions?

Who’s to Blame for the College Admissions Scandal Q1. What is the underlying problem in this case from the perspective of federal government, the parents, and the prospective college students?  (3 Marks) Q2. Why do you think the parents were willing to play such a significant and risky role in their kid’s college admissions? (3 […]

Identify an ethical dilemma (by past experience or by researching one) and view the dilemma from at least three ethical points of view.

Topic: Ethical dilemmas Explore various approaches to ethical dilemmas in business and their possible outcomes. Identify an ethical dilemma (by past experience or by researching one) and view the dilemma from at least three ethical points of view.  

Which benefits would you most likely eliminate-Which would you least likely eliminate? Explain your rationale.

Answer the two questions completely but separately do not combine both questions into a cohesive paper. Answer the following topical discussion questions: 8-3. Describe some ethical dilemmas sales professionals may encounter. How can sales compensation programs be modified to minimize ethical dilemmas? 9-1. Many compensation professionals are faced with making choices about which discretionary benefits […]

Discuss their pivot such as a pivotal moment at formation or how a country responded to them.

Topic: Pivot (to/from) Extremism You are to pick an Extremist group (or a terrorist organization is fine) and you will discuss their pivot such as a pivotal moment at formation or how a country responded to them. Especially look at the historical impact and how it impacts or informs a nation’s security today. Look at […]

What are the ethical dilemmas related to the case and the potential ethical issues relating to the aftermath of the incident?

Choose a high profile police violence incident that received extensive media coverage. What are the ethical dilemmas related to the case and the potential ethical issues relating to the potential ethicalof the incident? i.e., overarching implications upon the field of criminal justice, implications related to the public’s perception of criminal justice professionals, etc.  

What are some of the ethical considerations for your recommended (or current) strategy? Is the organization positioned for long-term sustainability?

Touchstone 4: Organization Analysis & Strategic Recommendations SCENARIO: Select an organization you are familiar with or have worked for (currently or in the past). You are tasked with analyzing the organization both internally and externally using some of the tools and frameworks you have learned in this course. You are also tasked with recommending changes […]