How has the women’s movement changed the status of girls and the way they are treated in schools?

There are three different discussion questions: Use 200+ words to answer each Using a T-chart contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the following approaches: ethnic studies, ethnocentric education, and integration of ethnic content throughout the curriculum? As a teacher, how do you determine the economic level and class of the families of your students? How […]

Explain how this could have created many of the issues we face today globally in terms of inequity think about Native Americans, the African slave trade, etc.

Thinking critically: Anthropology, especially applied anthropology, can promote cross-cultural understanding, particularly using its holistic and relativistic lenses. However, in the past, the discipline was associated with colonialism and was more ethnocentric, using “science” and ideas about evolution to construct “race”, something we now know to be a social construct. In cultural anthropology, theories such as […]

What kinds of issues do you think you might encounter with respect to measurement equivalence-how would you assess those issues?

SWK 640 CH 6 Reflection Activity Subject is social work and not psychology. Chapter is uploaded and Use your own words for answers – thank you. 1. Do you think you are ethnocentric? Why or why not? 2. Suppose you visit a country where women must always be veiled and are stoned severely if their […]

Define ethnocentrism. Why does Barger say that we are all ethnocentric? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? If you do agree with this position, describe an instance when you felt like you were ethnocentric.

Subject: Music Topic: ETHNOCENTRISM Paper details: Define ethnocentrism. Why does Barger say that we are all ethnocentric? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? If you do agree with this position, describe an instance when you felt like you were ethnocentric.