Compare and contrast the performance theories proposed by Jeff Todd Titon, Ruth M. Stone, and the author of your text, Michael Bakan (chapter 1).

Ethnography and Performance Theory In order to write an ethnography, you will need to first study the following three performance theories. The theory by Jeff Todd Titon is the one which covered extensively in class. If you missed those classes, you are responsible for getting the notes for the lectures since there were no power-point […]

Describe what lessons this interview taught you and what lessons you would share with others about interviewing someone from another culture.

Ethnographic Interview Ethnography: Cultural Interview is the direct observation, reporting, and evaluation of the customary behavior of a culture. As the preferred research method of cultural anthropologist, ethnography allows the researcher to learn directly from the individuals they are studying. The objective of this assignment is threefold: (1) to develop an understanding of ethnography and […]

How could each orientation of qualitative research, namely, phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and case studies be used here?

In February 2009, bushfires raced across the Australian state of Victoria, claiming lives and property. While rebuilding will take years, at some point after a disaster, it is time to get back to business. Suppose you are approached by the owners of several full-service wine stores in Victoria. They are uncertain about whether they should […]

What about the research question makes your chosen method best suited to answer it?

  The methods section will be expanded and include extensive information on why you chose the research method you propose and why you rejected others. A proposal, therefore, might have the following outline: pages 1 – 3, presentation of the research question and motivating context (why we should care) pages 4- 5, literature review page […]

Identify the research approach, which refers to how the study was conducted.

Topic: Critique of a qualitative journal article Review of qualitative paper: Martínez-Morato, S., Feijoo-Cid, M., Galbany-Estragués, P., Fernández-Cano, M.I., Arreciado Marañón, A. (2021). Emotion management and stereotypes about emotions among male nurses: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 20(1), article 114. org/10.1186/s12912-021-00641-z Use the following headings: The research problem and its significance: Describe the research problem […]

What is the research question-How does a qualitative research question differ from the research question in a quantitative study?

Discuss and Critique a Qualitative Research Study [WLOs: 3, 4, 5] [CLOs: 2, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the instructor guidance, the qualitative section of Chapter 7 and all of Chapter 9 in the Creswell and Creswell text, the article by Bieler et al. titled Distributing Reflexivity Through Co-laborative Ethnography […]

Does the success or failure of the author’s life/career affect the content or style?

  • Who is the author? Is the author a man/woman, rich/poor, powerful/not powerful, foreign observer/member of the society, young/old, first-hand observer/secondary writer, some with something to gain/someone with something to lose? These are just categories to think about that might tell us something about the text and its content. • Why is the author […]

Who is the author writing it for (that is, who is the audience)-Does the audience affect the content or style? If so, how?

Read the two sources and analyze them and write answering the following: • Who is the author? Is the author a man/woman, rich/poor, powerful/not powerful, foreign observer/member of the society, young/old, first-hand observer/secondary writer, some with something to gain/someone with something to lose? These are just categories to think about that might tell us something […]

Explain the method you used considering the type of qualitative research orientation (phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory or case study)

Market research – assessment 1 research project This individual project is designed to give you an insight into the practical aspects of market research and some of the issues involved in the conducting of such research and communicating the outcome for solving marketing-related problems. You will be required to prepare background research relevant to the […]

What you have learned about anthropology and ethnography so far and how this approach differs from others you have encountered

  1.Choose an image (photograph/cartoon) from one of the articles/books/chapters you have read on this course that has been meaningful to you. Write about it, with reference to your reading of one or more articles, explaining its particular relevance to you and what you are learning. ( find the image on the week 6 reading materials)