What you have learned about anthropology-ethnography so far-how this approach differs from others you have encountered

You can decide the topic , but it has to a nice topic Basso, K. (1996) ‘Stalking with Stories’ in Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache, pp.37-70. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Pick one or two ethnographic vignette(s) from this article and write a 1000 word detailed critical reflection on […]

How did Gomberg-Muñoz become interested in this project-What are her two primary arguments in the book?

Assignment 1: Preface, Introduction, chapters 1-2 How did Gomberg-Muñoz become interested in this project? What are her two primary arguments in the book? How is this fieldwork different from typical anthropological ethnography fieldwork (especially consider legal status and ethnography within U.S.)? What ethical dilemmas does the author face? Why does she spend time in both […]

How do these concerns align with the participant protections outlined by the University Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

Relationship between Leadership Style, and Organizational culture Answer these 3 questions 2 or three paragraphs each Discuss the ethical concerns with open access to original sources of qualitative data. Describe any potential benefits to the academic community, as well as any limitations, for the researcher. How do these concerns align with the participant protections outlined […]

What solutions exist to eliminate the barriers to engaging children with disabilities in inclusive education?

EDUC355 Ethnography Question: What solutions exist to eliminate the barriers to engaging children with disabilities in inclusive education? As you read the 5 texts attached, take copious notes that connect to your Ethnography Question. After reading, come up with who exactly your subject will be and the ten questions you will ask to guide your […]

Explain how you will be using digital ethnography and/or mapping and mining (and/or other methods) in your research.

Methodology: Explain how you will be using digital ethnography and/or mapping and mining (and/or other methods) in your research. Include a statement on the ethical considerations in the study. Explain how your methods relate to your research questions (500-1000 words).

How is gentrification in the present related to processes and policies discussed like redlining, restrictive covenants, urban renewal, deindustrialization, or planned shrinkage?

How is gentrification in the present related to processes and policies discussed like redlining, restrictive covenants, urban renewal, deindustrialization, or planned shrinkage? Provide a definition of gentrification based on the reading provided. Think about “What the Signs Say” by Professors Trinch and Snajdr, as well as your own experiences living in or near New York […]

Discuss What racial/ethnic system does the ethnography portray? What racial and ethnic stereotypes are shown in the ethnography?

CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY-FALL 2020 TERM PAPER In addition to the class readings, students will be responsible for reading an additional ethnography outside of class. Students will choose one of the following ethnographies: Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network by Ruth Gomberg-Munoz In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio by Phillipe […]

Discuss In what major ways do systematic reviews differ from scoping reviews? When would you use each and why?

1) In what major ways do systematic reviews differ from scoping reviews? When would you use each and why? (1/2 page) 2) Ethnography has objectivist roots but has shifted considerably to be a more subjectivistic endeavor. a) Create a research question for an objectivistic ethnography. b) Create a research question for a subjectivistic ethnography. (2 […]

Discuss What part of the economic system is described in the ethnography? How powerful is the role of the economic system in the ethnography?

CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY-FALL 2020 TERM PAPER In addition to the class readings, students will be responsible for reading an additional ethnography outside of class. Students will choose one of the following ethnographies: Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network by Ruth Gomberg-Munoz In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio by Phillipe […]