How does Sherry establish herself as someone who has a right to express an opinion on this subject?

Answer these three questions, using MLA formatting and number your answers: What was Sherry’s purpose in writing the essay? Does she have in mind certain types of students? Are there students who would be excluded from her plan? Is the title effective in grabbing attention? Why or why not? How does Sherry establish herself as […]

What was the main issue that was at the core of the persuasive encounter?

Option 1:—Persuasion Focus For the Portfolio Project you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned about conflict and persuasion by analyzing a persuasive encounter you have experienced. You will apply and assess the skills and theories presented in this course as they relate to your case study. To support your application of […]

Discuss how the use of rhetorical appeals determines the effectiveness of the argument

Rhetorical Analysis of “Go Gentle Into That Good Night” For the Rhetorical Analysis essay, you will be examining and evaluating one of these selected sources to create a thesis-driven essay. You should be considering all the elements we have discussed in Rhetorical Analysis, including: Purpose Audience Rhetorical patterns (genre, including description, narration, exemplification, process, cause […]

Identify at least an example of each of the three appeals (Ethos, Logos, and Pathos); also identify any syllogisms or enthymemes.

A Rhetorical Analysis of Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address For the essay, you will write a 500-750 word analysis of the text and context of the speech you chose earlier this semester. Rhetor: Who is author Audience: Who is the audience for this speech? Genre: What is the genre of the speech? Invention: Identify at least […]

What is at least one positive emotion you are appealing to in your speech? List what emotion it is and describe how you plan to appeal to this emotion in your speech

What is at least one positive emotion you are appealing to in your speech? List what emotion it is and describe how you plan to appeal to this emotion in your speech 2. What is at least one negative emotion you are appealing to in your speech? List what emotion it is and describe how […]

What implicit messages are being communicated by this piece of media? Which details (moments of intensity, repetitions, contrasts, and anomalies) from the piece of media reveal these implicit messages?

What implicit messages are being communicated by this piece of media? Which details (moments of intensity, repetitions, contrasts, and anomalies) from the piece of media reveal these implicit messages? How are those messages being communicated? What kind of rhetorical moves does the creator of this piece of media make? Does that creator use logos or […]