Does that proper function consist in a life of sensation and perception? Why so?

Nicomachean Ethics Note: This OD is based on the Aristotle reading (Nicomachean Ethics, Book1 & Book 2) from your Cahn text (pp. 275-290). Based on Book 1 of the Nicomachean Ethics, what does Aristotle mean by good? What does Aristotle say is the chief good (best or highest good)? Why can’t this chief good consist […]

How does a person choose between conflicting virtues or between virtue and other goods are there principles that need to be brought to bear in making tragic choices?

Reflection Paper 2: The ethics of Jesus or Aristotle Eleven questions to be asked of ethical theories: What is the highest good (summum bonum)? What is the general nature of virtue (excellences of human character)? What are the primary virtues for a person to have in their character? How are the virtues acquired? How are […]

If you had the chance to be permanently hooked up to the experience machine, would you do it? Explain your choice.

The Experience Machine – Aristotle’s (1931) Nicomachean Ethics. Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Super duper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you […]

Distinguish eudaimonia from other common ideas about what it means to be happy, and pay special attention to the connection between happiness, ends that are good in themselves, and excellence or virtue.

Your task in this essay is to 1)explain Aristotle’s idea of happiness, eudaimonia, 2)apply it to a case drawn fromThe New York Times, and 3)draw a conclusionaboutAristotelian flourishing as a way of judging the good life in the contemporary world. Distinguish eudaimonia from other common ideas about what it means to be happy, and pay […]