Why are antiviral drugs more difficult to design than antibacterial drugs?

W2 Assignment 1: Choose Your Microbe A. Read the eTextbook Chapter 3: Bacteria and Archaea and answer the following question prompts: Discuss the structure and function of the bacterial cell wall. How do the features of the cell wall contribute to the development of Gram Staining techniques? Explain how a flagellum enables motility. Compare and […]

How might the difference described in question 2A underlie the results described in question 2B? 

You are a graduate student aiming to develop new antibiotics, small organic molecules that bind to and prevent the activity of proteins involved in processes essential for cell survival or cell division. The data below was generated after an experiment, where you added a new antibiotic candidate (“drug”) to cultures of bacteria (prokaryotic cells) or […]

Describe the structure and function of the components of Eukaryotic cells AND explain the differences between Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes and viruses.

Description Write an illustrated report with the title “Units of Life” Your report needs to describe the structure and function of the components of Eukaryotic cells AND explain the differences between Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes and viruses. (900words)