How would this pirate justify his/her rejection of the Atlantic (European-colonial) world around him/her? What pirate values would she/he favor instead?

Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age Exam on Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age (100 points) Answer the following question in an interpretative essay. State your topic upfront and underline it; you are not required to write an introductory or concluding paragraph. Then write three complete body […]

How the UK Border force must work with European Border Force to root out the problem

Global and Organised Crime Global and Organised Crime – Topic ( Human Trafficking is one of the most urgent threats to the united kingdom. How did the UK respond to this type of crime ) Introduction start by writing In this Essay will .what is my argument.What is Human Trafficking.Need to argue. must cover the […]

Do you believe your generation would be equipped-mature to handle the Social Contract Theory if the government proposed the opportunity?

Write a 2-page letter to European thinker Thomas Hobbes, discussing the “Social Contract Theory”. Discuss 3 pros and 3 cons of the Social Contract Theory. your perspective of why you think individuals would agree to the contract and pr Explain ovide an explanation as to why people would not agree. Do you believe we are […]

What financials of the company-other competitors / complimentary industry were considered towards making your decision?

Shopee’s European Exansion A group would like to do a Market Launch Analysis and recommendation for expansion of Shopee in 2 European countries. Your team of Analysts ha been hired for this Project. Your team’s task is to give a “Go” or No-Go” decision to your Client’s Management for expansion in Europe. We expect the […]

What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration?

What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay (30 points): Huysmans, J. (2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration,” Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (5): 751-777. Bigo, D. (2014) “The (in)securitization practices of […]

Does this necessarily mean that the revenues earned by chip manufacturers will be up? Why-why not? Explain.

Micro/Macro Economics 1. In March 2020 (at the start of the pandemic) the US Energy Information Agency published a report with the headline “Oil market volatility is at an all-time high”. Using basic principles of demand and supply explain why oil prices tend to be so volatile and why it is not surprising that the […]

How were these groups able to defeat the Muslim empires-How did Muslim society respond to these forces?

Islamic religions and cutures Essay Question 1: During the medieval period, Muslim empires were conquered by successive waves of invaders from the east and the west, including Turks, Crusaders, and Mongols. How were these groups able to defeat the Muslim empires? How did Muslim society respond to these forces? Essay Question 2: In the medieval […]

How is the coverage different-similar in each medium when locally covering a global topic?

A comparative study of a global catastrophe or crisis. Students identify a global catastrophe or crisis which could be, for example, a human tragedy, war, economic crisis, and explore how it has been addressed in American and European media. How is the coverage different or similar in each medium when locally covering a global topic? […]

How the EU is trying to respond to the crisis-if you feel the European processes-institutions are useful tools to address the crisis.

European integration Europe is clearly at a crossroads at the moment. From Brexit to the rise of the radical right to the aftermath of the refugee crisis, European institutions and member states are struggling to reach consensus and continue to drive the project of integration forward. Choose one of these crises and show a) how […]

Give two ethical-moral principles that are violated by the US healthcare system and demonstrate their impact on social determinants of health in vulnerable populations. (two paragraphs)

Contrary to European countries, a universal health care system has not been accepted in the US. The major influences in the development of the US healthcare system can be traced back to the events following WWII. In this essay, please address the following: A. Describe two philosophical ideologies (economic, political, and cultural) that significantly influenced […]