Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding influence of European traders during the three centuries before 1800.

EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Answer this question .Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding influence of European traders during the three centuries before […]

Discuss what life was like in early American history for those who were not white and male?

When the United States was formed, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights provided basic protection for certain Americans while denying these rights to other groups of people in this country. Who was protected by these founding documents? Be sure to address the legal status of women, children, indentured European servants, and nonwhites (e.g., African […]

How could one argue this second viewpoint,-do you agree that the benefits brought by Europeans outweighed the negative effects?

European colonialism is often depicted as a force of greed that exploited the African people for financial gain; however, some have also argued that colonialism served a moral purpose and was mutually beneficial to both parties. How could one argue this second viewpoint, and do you agree that the benefits brought by Europeans outweighed the […]

What were the key tenets of each ideology, and who were its leading thinkers or leaders?

Discussion Board #6: Unification and Hegemony In a minimum of 250 words answer the questions below. Questions: 1) The two dominant ideologies of the second half of the nineteenth century were nationalism and socialism. What were the key tenets of each ideology, and who were its leading thinkers or leaders? How did each of these […]

What impact did the importation of opium have on China’s population? -How did the Chinese government respond?

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1.. Identify and explain three reasons European nations used to justify the establishment of the so-called “New Imperialism” in Africa. 2. What role did the gin and tonic play in opening Africa to What impact did the importation of opium have on China’s population? How did […]

What effects did colonialism and imperialism have on the non-European nations and peoples who were the targets of colonization and imperialism?

World history final paper Final Essay The Assignment ​You will write a 5-7 page paper answering one of the two prompts below. Further guidelines on page 2. Prompt1: ​Thomas Carlyle wrote in 1840: “Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who […]

Explain the legacies of the European Renaissance and Reformation movements and assess the impact of these legacies on the 21st century.

Legacies of the Renaissance and Reformation In an essay of 1,000 words, explain the legacies of the European Renaissance and Reformation movements and assess the impact of these legacies on the 21st century. Include in your analysis a discussion of the historiography of the period . How does their interpretation of these events differ from […]

Discuss the considerations that prompted Prime Minister David Cameron to commit his government to hold a nationwide referendum, to ask the electorate whether the country should remain a member of, or leave, the European Union.

Discuss the considerations that prompted Prime Minister David Cameron to commit his government to hold a nationwide referendum, to ask the electorate whether the country should remain a member of, or leave, the European Union.

Compare between the European economists of the Classic Economic Period including Adam Smith, David Hume, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, etc. and the American economists of the Neoclassical period.

The topic of this paper is a comparison between the European economists of the Classic Economic Period including Adam Smith, David Hume, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, etc. and the American economists of the Neoclassical period. Focus on describing and doing a in-depth critical appraisal of the main ideas of the Neoclassical period then describing how […]