How did you create a new way of doing things or forge new paths?

Question One of the underlying ideas of this unit is rebellion and change. During the 15th through 18th centuries Europeans began challenging old ways of doing things and seeking new paths and ideas. This is evident in the Renaissance, where Europeans rediscovered the culture and art of ancient Greece and Rome, and during the Reformation, […]

Do you think there’s any truth to this notion of Natives thinking that Europeans were gods?

Perceived Gods Think about the way that Native and European perceive each other. Columbus thought that Natives perceived Europeans as gods, and Michael Wood repeats the old commonplace that Moctezuma thought that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl returned. And yet if Natives perceived Europeans as gods, it didn’t last long, given that they often did rebel, flee, […]

What do we know about pre-contact Native North America and how do we know it?

Readings: US History:… Examine the variety of materials pertaining to Native America before and after contact with Europeans. In light of what you have read/viewed/heard, answer the following question in a FULL Paragraph format (5-6 sentences). What was North America (remember, Mexico is also part of North America) like before the arrival of Europeans? […]

If you were an antiracism educator in an elementary school in the United States, what role do you think anthropological insights about prejudice and discrimination should play in your work?

1. How did Africans become “black” and Europeans become “white”? 2. If you were an antiracism educator in an elementary school in the United States, what role do you think anthropological insights about prejudice and discrimination should play in your work? 3. How did the US census play a role in the rise of Latino/a […]

Describes the key issues in the book by David Birmingham-The Decolonization of Africa. How does this book inform us about the characteristics of Europeans in Africa?

History Describes the key issues in the book by David Birmingham, The Decolonization of Africa. How does this book inform us about the characteristics of Europeans in Africa? How does it explain the processes of colonization and post colonial rule? Give examples.

How did this massacre change the way the war was conducted with Native Americans by Europeans from this point forward?

WEEK TWO WRITTEN RESPONSE The assignment is in 2 parts: Part 1: (Learning Outcome 4) After viewing the video (Massacre at Mystic) answer the following questions: What was the justification given for the Massacre of the Pequot Natives by the British? How did this massacre change the way the war was conducted with Native Americans […]

What does it mean to think of inequality as a “routine accomplishment”?Explain the author’s viewpoint.

There are 3 readings for this assignment, Michael Schwalbe, James W. Russell, and Tracy E. Ore. This is not an essay, just questions for my college inequality class and at least a paragraph for each question. Questions : Michael Schwalbe 1-What does it mean to think of inequality as a “routine accomplishment”?Explain the author’s viewpoint. […]

What changes and cultural conflicts were created by the introduction of Christian missionaries-other Western influences into Ibo villages?

African Culture What major features characterized Ibo culture before the Europeans came? What changes and cultural conflicts were created by the introduction of Christian missionaries and other Western influences into Ibo villages? What seems to have been the net impact of the coming of the Europeans on Ibo culture?

What technologies enabled Europeans to travel out into the open oceans to search for and secure new trade routes to China and India?

Discussion Assignment #2 EUH In a minimum of 250 words answer the questions below. Questions: What technologies enabled Europeans to travel out into the open oceans to search for and secure new trade routes to China and India? Where did the Europeans acquire these technologies? Explain what is meant by the term mercantilism and provide […]