What would it mean to persuade the laws as it is described in the Crito?

Write a 2-4 page essay (in Word or rich text format, double spaced, size 12 font) on one of the following topics. 1. In the Euthyphro the third definition of piety is what all the gods love. What are some objections to this definition that are offered by Socrates. 2. In the Apology the two […]

What do you think about this independence this call for becoming self-reliant, and self-dependent when it comes to knowledge, truth and, finally, morality itself?

What is “ethics” really about? COLLAPSE Let us recall that in the Euthyphro, Socrates asks for an “account” of why something is holy, pious, or moral. He does not, and cannot accept, an explanation in terms of just “whatever the gods love”, or whatever God tells you to do. For, if at the end of […]

Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried-convicted-Would Socrates have been wrong to escape?

Goal: A deeper understanding of the chosen topic. Course Objective(s): CO1: Identify historical beginnings of philosophy and contemporary positions concerning the nature of knowledge and reality CO3: Distinguish the basic concepts of moral and political philosophy CO4: Evaluate arguments for and against the existence of God CO5: Evaluate various approaches to the mind-body problem Task: […]

What do you make of the question concerning whether the Gods love a person because they are pious versus a person being pious because they are beloved by the Gods.

Part 1 (300-word minimum) What is a “rational standard” (see PCT Ch. 1)? How and why does Socrates introduce it in his exchange with Euthyphro? In what way does it propel their conversation? What did you think of the dialogue once you understood it (cause, I’m sure, you read it multiple times until you did)? […]