How does du Mez try to convince you that the issues that had been brewing in evangelicalism since the 1940s coalesced into a powerful, misogynist movement by the late 2000s?

Read chapters 11 and 12 in Jesus and John Wayne and respond to the following prompt question: How does du Mez try to convince you that the issues that had been brewing in evangelicalism since the 1940s coalesced into a powerful, misogynist movement by the late 2000s? As we move into the previous decade (the […]

Discuss how the content of your theory and the course readings explain, contribute to and/or evaluate the social construction of gender in American society—both mainstream culture & Evangelical Christian culture (remember there is a diversity of opinion between sub-groups within evangelicalism).

Your PowerPoint presentation should be between ten minutes of speaking and 10 minutes of discussion. Each student will choose a theory from any of the reading we have done this semester and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on your theory and include discussion questions related to your theory. The gender theory PowerPoint presentation should use information […]