What have you learned about the people of the past by examining different historical issues/events/ideas?

Write a 750-1000 word paper (3-4 pages) that examines at least three major issues, events, or ideas in American history since 1865. Your paper should include the following: Introduction – Give a general overview of the topic. End your introduction with a topic/main idea statement that identifies your specific issues/events/ideas and what their overall impact […]

What have you learned about the people of the past by examining different historical issues/events/ideas?

American History since 1865 Write a 750-1000 word paper (3-4 pages) that examines at least three major issues, events, or ideas in American history since 1865. Your paper should include the following: Introduction – Give a general overview of the topic. End your introduction with a thesis/main idea statement that identifies your specific issues/events/ideas and […]

What emotions are described by the author-How is he feeling-How are you feeling-What emotions do you have as you read-Write those down.

Night Note-Taking Guide 1 Preface, Forward, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 You may take notes WHILE you read or AFTER you read, your preference. Keeping track of the events and the emotions of the book will help you understand it at a deeper level.  The Note Taking Guide has three main elements: Insights and/or Wonderings. This […]

Explain how each of these two events, developments, and/or movements affected the spread of the Gospel message on a global scale.

Assignment details: Historical developments are interwoven with the history and mission of the church was never more evident than in the nineteenth century. Briefly identify at least two major historical events, developments, and/or movements from nineteenth-century Europe. Explain how each of these two events, developments, and/or movements affected the spread of the Gospel message on […]

Discuss:How the entry process failed during an 18-month period from now until March 2022 and why: negative turns of events, warning signs you ignored, protracted decisions, assumptions that proved false, etc.

1. Two A4 size pages 2. Include executive summary 3. How the entry process failed during an 18-month period from now until March 2022 and why: negative turns of events, warning signs you ignored, protracted decisions, assumptions that proved false, etc. 4. Text should written as if audience is board of directors as well as […]