Explain whether or not you find Vlahos’ argument convincing. Again, this is not meant to be opinion-based, but rather an examination of the evidence presented.

Instructions: This essay does not require external research (in fact it is not recommended) and is meant to focus exclusively on your response to a specific aspect of a text. Your essay will be a response to one of the following questions. As the idea is that this essay will be a response to a […]

Discuss,But what does evidence say? If the policy goal is to save lives and eventually curb opioid addiction, do these sites work?

As drug-related deaths rise to record numbers, at least a dozen U.S. cities are considering opening supervised injection sites, where people can use illicit drugs with trained staff present, ready to respond in case of an overdose. The future of such proposals in the U.S. is uncertain. A California bill that would greenlight a pilot […]

Analyze how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identify what is known and what is not known in the evidence.

Literature Review While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone project change proposal, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project. A literature review analyzes how current research supports the […]

Discuss:In the article by Garland, what was the historian’s strongest piece of evidence or line of reasoning? What was her weakest evidence?

Evaluate the secondary source readings (PDFs of sources are attached) and answer the following questions. • In the article by Lawson, what was the strongest piece of evidence or line of reasoning? What was the weakest evidence or line of reasoning? • In the article by Garland, what was the historian’s strongest piece of evidence […]

Discuss the different types of evidence and the importance of evidence-based interventions for safe, person-centred care to maintain or restore health and well-being.

Discuss the different types of evidence and the importance of evidence-based interventions for safe, person-centred care to maintain or restore health and well-being. <br>Appraise a piece of research and reach a judgement about its quality and applicability to practice using an identified appraisal tool.<br>(200 words). An introduction generally needs to answer these three questions.<br>What? The […]

Did you address at least three aspects of the issue you chose?,Does each aspect have relevant and authoritative evidence in support of your point?

  Did you address at least three aspects of the issue you chose? Does each aspect have relevant and authoritative evidence in support of your point? Have you included a view that is in opposition to your viewpoint, and have you answered that opposing view, pointing out its flaws in such a way as to […]