What are three solutions to the problem of evil, and what is the response to these solutions?

Evil and God’s World: A Special Problem Chapter Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Define and understand the nature of the problem of evil. 2. Identify several proposed solutions to the problem. 3. Explain the theological themes that bear upon this problem and contribute to alleviating […]

Write an analytical essay comparing and contrasting evil in these two works.

Description For the longer essay, I want you to pick two things we read or watched this semester and compare the portrayal of evil in them. You could pick your two favorite texts, or two things that made you think the hardest, or two things that you think paired well, or maybe two things that […]

Write a reflection that explains how each of the chapters you have summarized contributes to Arendt’s overall point that Eichmann is a terrifying example of the “banality of evil.”

Description Write a reflection that explains how each of the chapters you have summarized contributes to Arendt’s overall point that Eichmann is a terrifying example of the “banality of evil.”

Discuss Eleanor Stump and the problem of evil in the context of “Meno.

Socrates (Plato) is essentially the touchstone of all western philosophy, and was certainly read and studied by most, if not all, of the philosophers we have read this semester. Using one or more of the philosophers we have read, in addition to Socrates (Plato) consider how Socrates’ (Plato’s) belief that virtue is a “gift from […]

How do you understand the interaction between modern mental illness and the encounters with evil spirits in the Bible?

Read R. Ponnudurai’s (2013) article on Judeo-Christian concepts related to psychiatry to set the stage for your discussion. In this article, several Biblical instances are discussed in which our modern understanding of mental illness interacts with the Biblical understanding of evil spirits. Utilizing the rubric for guidance and your reading on exegesis, consider and respond […]