How many hours will you need to have this person on-site for?

Excavation and Backfill BONUS Activity 4(%) Given the following quantities, complete a cost estimate for the following excavation and backfill project: Excavation Total 197 cubic yards Backfill Total 70 cubic yards Based on the number of cubic yards of material provided, please answer the following questions: An excavator takes ten minutes to load a truck […]

How complete is the popular account-From your research, do you find important issues omitted by the account but present-even emphasized in academic literature?

How the Pyramids of Giza Where Constructed Provide some context for the discussion of site. Where is it, in what time periods was it occupied? Who lived there? Who did the excavation and why? Briefly describe the “popular account” you are considering: who made it and when? How complete is the popular account? From your […]

Discuss about the excavation of the Gobekli Tepe.Address how it was discovered, and the processes and techniques used to find and excavate the site during its first excavation in 1995 by Klaus Schmidt.

Gobekli Tepe Research Paper Discuss about the excavation of the Gobekli Tepe. The paper must address how it was discovered, and the processes and techniques used to find and excavate the site during its first excavation in 1995 by Klaus Schmidt.