What kinds of books or magazines do you enjoy reading?

You are planning a full exemplification essay, so in this discussion, practice illustrative writing by making a paragraph that uses examples to develop the main idea. What kinds of books or magazines do you enjoy reading? Make your topic sentence a general statement about what you like to read and then develop the rest of […]

Did the medical professionals rely heavily on jargon?was their language comforting, frightening, irritating?

  Staples Response Essay Writing Prompts for Essay 1 (Exemplification) Choose ONE of the following prompts below and write an essay that you developprimarily by example, just as both Quindlen and Staples did in their essays. Be sure tochoose the prompt you care most about so that the examples are a means ofcommunicating an idea […]

Who are other possible audiences besides your instructor and classmates-Are your readers likely to have had similar experiences?

Overview: Essay 1: The Literacy Narrative Prompt A literacy narrative is quite simply that: it is a story of how you became literate and how it has affected your life. Today’s Literacy Definitions: Literacy is defined as competence or knowledge in a specified area. According to the National Council of Teachers of English, literacy is […]