Discuss how the external environment or resources and capabilities offer a sustainable competitive advantage and generate profit in each case.

Strategy Planning: Resources and Capabilities Discuss which should be the primary basis for formulating strategy: The external market or the internal environment (firm’s resources and capabilities)? Share an example of a company whose strategy has been based upon the external market and one that is based on a set of capabilities. Discuss how the external […]

Is there less need to attribute to an internal act of will-Explain and/or provide examples to support your response.

Before completing this assignment, be sure to read and view the instructional materials for this week, specifically the ones on personality and how it defines us. Then, answer the following question in no more than two typed pages, double-spaced: Is "free will" a fiction? In other words, once we have found external causes for our […]

Identify and explain the company’s competitive advantage

Assignment 2: For the specific company of your choice: Identify and describe the company’s “environment” (e.g., their internal, external, and customer environments) Identify and explain the company’s competitive advantage Describe the influence of the company’s competitive advantage on the behavior of the buyers of the company’s offerings.

Provide examples of the type of information in each section of the SWOT analysis.

Consider the new healthcare business or service line that you described in the Discussion Board (DB) assignment this week. Use any or all concepts over the course of this class to assist with developing the financial analysis of your new business or service line. Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: Description of the […]

Discuss why do wages differ across occupations?

Read the following to prepare for this week: Survey of Economics, Chapter 10: Imperfect Information, External Benefits, and External Costs Video: Watch the following video(s), which you can access in the Weekly Media object or by clicking on the link(s) below: and answer the question. MIT Open Course Ware video lecture series, “Uncertainty” 12.3 Test […]

What key factors must be considered when determining external financing requirements?

Unit 5 Finance Essay External Financing We examined two important topics in finance during this unit: external financing requirements and agency conflicts. Address the prompts below in your essay. Include an introduction that summarizes the main points with an example. Critically reflect on the importance of external financing requirements. What key factors must be considered […]