How do you believe mediated communication has improved organizational communication?

Communicating Part I Mediated communication and social media (e.g., email, blogs, Facebook, Skype, and Twitter) have played a major role in changing the way that organizations engage in communication with their customers and with employees internally. Communicating through electronic media is referred to as mediated communication. There are pros and cons to using mediated communication […]

What visual techniques could help influence and persuade potential clients to choose your organization.

Scenario The company you work for uses numerous mediums to communicate to current clients, potential clients, and vendors, including direct mailings and email. However, you have noticed that the social media presence of your organization is minimal. Though you’re new to the company, you’ve helped your previous employers produce effective communication strategies to increase clientele. […]

Identify a social media platform for the campaign (Facebook) and describe the rationale for the platform

Social Media Campaign Proposal – Alcoholism in the Police Force Develop a social media campaign (platform Facebook) to bring awareness to hazardous alcohol consumption and/or alcohol abuse among a determined target population. (alcoholism in the police force) Define the problem among the target population (alcoholism in the police force) Research and gather data and statistics […]

How will this impact an individuals diversity consciousness in the workplace?

While face-to-face networking makes up a huge part of our social network, we cannot deny the use of social media within our social networks. Spend time reflecting on how you can use Facebook, Twitter, or any other type of social media to become more aware of other people’s cultures and backgrounds. Compile a list of […]

How robust is the moral verdict issued by the code(s)?

Case Study 1: Millions of Facebook profiles secretly harvested for data by Cambridge Analytica Read the case then answer the questions below: Between 2014 and the 2016 U.S. election, Cambridge Analytica, a big data political consulting firm chaired by Alexander Nix, was founded by Donald Trump’s future campaign strategist, Steve Bannon, who acted as vice […]

Choose two service companies with which you are familiar, such as Facebook, Amazon, and UPS.

Choose two service companies with which you are familiar, such as Facebook, Amazon, and UPS. Apply Hill’s Strategy Development Framework to them. For each company you chose, compare and contrast each sector of the framework and determine which key area(s) provide(s) a competitive advantage. Provide at least two examples to support your position  

How do sites like this one assist people with newly diagnosed conditions?

Written Assignment 4 Social Networking and Other Web-Based Applications in Healthcare Patientslikeme We are all touched by chronic conditions of varying degrees of severity. Visit the website Patientslikeme (, and search for other patients with symptoms that you or someone you know shares. How many similar patients were you able to find? How do sites […]

What are some of the techniques Facebook uses to cool its data centers?

Facebook’s Data Centers Businesses today run on the Internet, and the Internet runs on data centers. Today, data centers might be more accurately called business centers. Data centers drive nearly every aspect of many businesses, especially ones with a significant online presence like Facebook. But data centers are significant users of expensive electricity to cool […]

Are there certain posting times that seem to rarely receive negative feedback?

FILE to use: Facebook Insights Post Level – Tableau Looking at each month in the data, does including an exclamation point (“!”) in the text of our Facebook post seem to increase the post’s average lifetime “engaged” users (engaged users are users who clicked anywhere in the post)? Explore the relationship between the inclusion of […]

What are the various considerations that need to be discussed regarding facts, affected parties, and who should be involved?

Assignment 3: The Law and Ethical Considerations This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of the following course outcomes: 1. Analyze employment related laws, and ethical considerations their application, and implications in the workplace 2. Evaluate rights, obligations, and liabilities in the employment process and relationship. 3. Evaluate compliance with current laws and regulations related […]