Explain how a Social Worker with the Christian worldview might approach different styles of coping and adaptation in relation to stress.

Stress Discuss how you can use a risk and resiliency framework to understand how people manage and experience stress. Read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. Explain how a Social Worker with the Christian worldview might approach different styles of coping and adaptation in relation to stress.

What would be your social position based on your age, race, gender, and faith?

Week 1 Journal Reflect on the readings using the 3, 2, 1 method. A successful submission will require that you reflect on the following: Share (3) main take aways from all the readings; what are (2) things that you have questions about, are curious about, don’t understand, or would like to investigate further?; (1) Imagine […]

How would a Christian worldview impact you if you chose a career as an auditor?

Faith and ethics Assessment Description After reading the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” in the Topic 2 Resources, in a 750-1,000 word paper, address the following questions: Adhering to ethical standards is necessary in the field of auditing. How would a Christian worldview impact you if you chose a career as an […]

Consider the extent to which your topic of inequality organizes our society and/or the conditions which can reduce your topic of inequality.

Topic: Sex and Faith SOCI 335 Literature Review Assignment Sociological research has the potential to reduce inequality. Sociological research can highlight to what extent inequalities organize or society and/or highlight circumstances that can reduce inequality. For this assignment, you will choose a social issue that is important to you and write a 4-5 page literature […]

How does St. Jude advise his readers to deal with those who are straying from the Faith-What warning does he include? Explain.

The Catholic Epistle of St.Jude the Apostle Compose a three page essay discussing the Epistle of St. Jude the Apostle. – In your essay, you should discuss the following questions: i. What two main issues does St. Jude believe are a threat to the members of the Church?Explain. ii. What examples from the past does […]

What are some ethical concerns-benefits of using GMOs based on the Christian Worldview?

Short Answer Questions (Minimum of 250 words each) What are the some of the arguments for labeling GM foods? What are some of the arguments against it?  What side do you feel is more valid, why?  Provide at least one source per argument (one for and one against) to support your claims. What are some […]

Religious faith is particular involves resistance to the threat of doubt. In Holloway’s religion of ‘as if’ there is a resistance to what he suspects is the way the world is. In Caputo, authentic religion involves resistance to what he dubs the “religion of tragedy.” Discuss, teasing out parallels between the two.

Religious faith is particular involves resistance to the threat of doubt. In Holloway’s religion of ‘as if’ there is a resistance to what he suspects is the way the world is. In Caputo, authentic religion involves resistance to what he dubs the “religion of tragedy.” Discuss, teasing out parallels between the two.

Discuss two reasons that Rev. Dr. King says his nonviolent protest activities are not unwise and untimely. How do his reasons reflect his faith.In Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail, “he lists several reasons why his nonviolent protest activities are not “unwise and untimely.”

In Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail, “he lists several reasons why his nonviolent protest activities are not “unwise and untimely.” Discuss two reasons that Rev. Dr. King says his nonviolent protest activities are not unwise and untimely. How do his reasons reflect his faith