What are the questions you should ask to analyze arguments?

Week 6: Interactive activity 6.1 Learning Outcomes: Overcome obstacles to critical thinking Avoid deductive reasoning fallacies Avoid inductive reasoning fallacies Become a critical thinker 6.2 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link: How to analyze the arguments : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP8dWURrEF0 6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Discuss the parts of an argument. What are […]

Which of the fallacies do you feel is the hardest to understand and/or identify and why?

MGF 1107 PROJECT 4 – FALLACIES Objective: The objective of this project is to gain a better understanding of common fallacies and explore how they show up in everyday life, and consider how they can influence your (or others) decision making. For each fallacy you choose, you must: Cite the reference of the fallacy. Note: […]

What do you think would cause someone to make this error?

Chapter 5 Discussion: Fallacies in Thinking Read the following explanation of thinking errors: Fallacies in thinking Download Fallacies in thinking Then read the blog on thinking mistakes: 8-common-mistakes-in-how-we-think-and-how-to-avoid-them (Links to an external site.) Post a 150- to 300-word entry answering the following questions: (10 points) Give an example of the type of error talked about […]

Find a commercial of your choice.Discuss how this commercial is a deceptive argument by detailing which fallacies, are found in the commercial. Be sure to include a link to the commercial.

Find a commercial of your choice. Then, discuss how this commercial is a deceptive argument by detailing which fallacies, are found in the commercial. Be sure to include a link to the commercial.

Explain Are there too many fallacies? Weak reasoning? Too many ambiguous words?

You are going to pretend that you have to write a 10 page research paper for an upper-level course in your major or in an area of interest. Think of a topic in which you feel strongly. Find 1 article through our library- Galileo or Google scholar The articles must be at least 3 pages […]