What are your overall thoughts of the topic of the article.

Social media’s influence on the fashion industry. Using the reading “Influence of electronic word of mouth on purchase intention of fashion products on social networking websites” by A. Saleem & A. Ellahi, provide your opinion/perspective of the social media’s influence on the fashion industry. Specifically answer the following questions: What did you find interesting about […]

Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study?

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one,also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas […]

Evaluate some factors related to online influencers that drive potential customers’ behaviour for luxury brands in the fashion industry.

You need to conduct a marketing research project (and write the report accordingly). I have attached relevant lectures/seminars, and the relevant assessment information; the brief, the layout and the marking criteria. Please do not use the lectures as a reference, only for help. If you need to use the lectures as a reference, please find […]