What would you have done differently as the father?

Directions: Read the source below and answer the questions. Your answers should be longer than one sentence. Provide substance to receive full credit. Questions to answer: What is the main Idea behind this short story? What does this short story tell us of the times? Take a position: Pro-Temperance or anti-Temperance. What would you have […]

Who made the major decisions in your family? Mother?

Cultural and Social Recall as much as you can about your personal family history. Record your answers to the following questions as they apply to the conscious and unconscious learning that took place. It might be interesting to compare your answers to those of someone of a different culture. In general, would your family be […]

In her personal essay titled “Father Figures” (2001), how do you explain the influence of Evelyn Lau’s desires on her self-development? Why?

English 1201– Analytical EssayWrite an analytical essay (750-1150 words, or roughly 2-3 pages) based on the following topic: In her personal essay titled “Father Figures” (2001), how do you explain the influence of Evelyn Lau’s desires on her self-development? Why?

Analyze, or, in other words, close read, the ways in which he describes his father. What is the deeper meaning behind the unique way he portrays his father?

Write an essay that is at least 1,400 words over one of the following topic. In “Under the Influence,” Scott Russell Sanders gives readers an in-depth look into his life with his dad, Greeley Ray Sanders. Analyze, or, in other words, close read, the ways in which he describes his father. What is the deeper […]