Review the information provided in Chapter 2 of our text to make an informed response. Take a close look at how the “Eight Steps to Sound Ethical Decision Making in Business,” on page 51, might apply to this scenario.

You are a board member of a pharmaceutical company facing a situation similar to the one above. Your researchers have been working for five years on a medication that may ultimately eliminate a life threatening illness, and they are very optimistic about its potential for future success. They claim, however, that it will take at […]

Explain.Are these decisions coming from creditable sources? Do these people have credentials?

After reading a few articles and doing some research I am to wondering how well the FDA is protecting us from hazards in our food in water. I had already had this opinion but my resources have just made that opinion stronger. I know they protecting us some but it seems as though other things […]

How would you evaluate the safety of the application outlined in the case study? Is this application an FDA regulated mobile medical application?

Review the attached document Preview the document which provides background on a weight management application used by Geisinger Health System. Conduct a written assessment using information presented thus far in the course. In your assessment you should address the following key areas: 1. How would you evaluate the safety of the application outlined in the […]

What role does the FDA play? Why did it take this action? How would this apply to products or services you might develop?

(1) Innovation, Risk and Patient Empowerment/FDA Mandated Withdrawal of 23andMe and (2) FDA versus Personal Genetic Testing and prepare a short post for the internal employee blog summarizing the FDA’s activities concerning 23andMe. What role does the FDA play? Why did it take this action? How would this apply to products or services you might […]