How urgent is the problem-What’s this situation look like?

MGT312- Decision making and problem solving The 7 steps decision making process: 1- Clarify & Define the problem: Is there actually a problem? How urgent is the problem? What’s this situation look like? Example: 2- Establish realistic goals: Establish smart, specific, measurable; achievable, relevant, and timely goals. 3- Generate solutions: have a several solutions. ie. […]

What would be the challenges in applying those recommendations?

Based on your analysis, offer recommendations on how the company can improve its practices: -Provide specific and feasible solutions and/or recommendations, which may be answers and explanations to the following questions: What should the company have done? Why? What would be the challenges in applying those recommendations?

Would completing the methods described provide a strong, credible answer to the evaluation question?

Draft 2 feedback Write brief answers to the following questions about each student’s draft paper: Is the evaluation question clearly written and easy to understand? If not, why? Are the methods described in enough detail that someone else performing the work would know exactly what to do? If not, what details are missing? Would completing […]

What would be the single most useful revision the author could make?

Classmate evaluation plan feedback Next, reread the draft carefully and jot down answers to the following questions: Is the evaluation question specific, feasible, and easy to understand? If not, why? And are all terms defined as needed? If the author completed the methods described, would s/he have a strong, credible answer to the evaluation question? […]

What would be the single most useful revision the author could make?

Classmate evaluation feedback Prepare your feedback classmates evaluation Prepare feedback by following this specific process: First, quickly read the draft all the way through. Do not stop to write notes, but highlight any words or sentences that you don’t easily understand. Next, reread the draft carefully and jot down answers to the following questions: Is […]

Describe a specific solution to the problem that is fair and feasible; and, justify your solution with evidence from scholarly sources.

Legalizing Marijuana This is a research-based proposal essay. To succeed, you must demonstrate that the problem you identify exists and that it matters; describe a specific solution to the problem that is fair and feasible; and, justify your solution with evidence from scholarly sources. Yes, all sources must be academic. All sources should be cited […]

What extent are group-based interventions for the behavioural management of chronic health conditions a feasible and effective approach to care?

Scientific Essay Synopsis To what extent are group-based interventions for the behavioural management of chronic health conditions a feasible and effective approach to care? Choose up to two long-term conditions on which to base your answer.

How did HPCL go about building and reaching a vision to be a world-class company? What actions-practices were the most important?

Change Management Case Study This assignment is a case study. Read the attached case study and answer the following question. The format does not matter.Be sure to answer each of the questions below. Your paper should be 3 pages (Title page and/or references not included in page limitations; 1” margins; 12pt. font; double-spaced 1. Short […]

Describe relevant sources of uncertainty and how these may affect the decision process – is uncertainty easy to quantify?

Decision Analysis Based on a single decision problem, students should write a report that addresses the following points: 1. Describe a complex business decision problem. The problem may be real or imaginary (don’t forget to include appropriate references if you’re using a real problem). You must provide relevant context – why is the decision important, […]