What benefits would you recommend to the leadership of the organization for use in each business unit?

Your organization has two business units: one is a mature or established unit which manufactures products which are competitive on price. The product and manufacturing processes have few technological changes. The other business unit is a brand new start-up which uses high levels of technology in its products which are heavily regulated by the federal […]

How does the structure of Congress for example, its two chambers and its committee system affect its role in making policy on broad national issues, as compared with its role on narrower group centered issues?

Congress Write a carefully constructed essay on one of the following topics of your choice. The essay should be approximately 500 – 800 words in length, address all points of the prompt you've chosen, and be submitted in a Word or PDF format only. Prompts for 1st Essay – SP 2023: 2305-41009 Federal Government – […]

Analyze the role that government played in reforming American working conditions.

Hist405N Case study Introduction The purposes of each case study assignment include the following: To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources To advance critical thinking and writing skills To compile a response to the prompts provided To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time Instructions Pick one (1) of […]

What type of situation would an authenticator app provide adequate two-factor authentication for federal government use?

Discussion The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is used in non-military government agencies for authentication and identification to gain access to systems, networks, and online resources. These cards, in combination with a personal identification number, meet two-factor requirements. PIV credentials also are designed to help reduce counterfeiting and are tamper-resistant. An authenticator app, such as […]

What do the authors mean by a stable majority as distinct from an ephemeral majority?

The final exam for this course consists of the following three-part writing assignment. The first part consists of several short-answer questions based on your reading of the assigned chapters from our American Government textbook. The second part consists of several short-answer questions based on the essay “Why is the Constitution Not Democratic?” by Dennis Hale […]

How useful are the visualizations to your understanding of the data?

Your assignments in this course have equipped you with the important skill of using Excel to turn data into visual elements. As you’ve learned from your textbook readings about data visualization, many businesses and organizations compile data visualizations into dashboards, which allow viewers to easily see the story told by the data. For this discussion: […]

What do you think our political system does well and where are we failing to live up to o our ideals?

How has learning the facts about our political system changed your views on it? What do you think our political system does well and where are we failing to live up to o our ideals? How did the results of the 2020 election impact your faith/trust in the federal government system? What do you think […]

Explain how an auction to sell the Wells Fargo consumer-facing banking division might be used to determine the value of the division.

Week 7 Assignment – Case Study: Dynamic Pricing – Strategies for Enhancing Profitability Overview Dynamic pricing is a collection of pricing strategies used by firms and organization to enhance profits. You will begin by exploring pricing techniques that operate in the market in real time. Then you will explore how auctions are employed in the […]

Who should have the power, the federal government or the state government, and why?

Write a 4-page paper (= 5 pages with bibliography) analyzing the founding fathers’ differing opinions about the proper role of the federal government, vs. the proper role of the state government, in the New Nation of America. Who should have the power, the federal government or the state government, and why?  

What are the implications of starting a project based on tenuous projections that may or may not come true 10 years from now?

Case Study 5.2: California’s High-Speed Rail Project A goal of the Obama administration has been to promote high-speed rail across the most populous and geographically-dispersed states in the United States. The idea is to adopt more energy-saving initiatives while also helping to improve state’s infrastructure. It is with this in mind that the Federal Government […]