What kinds of occupations are found in public administration?

Write a 3–4 page paper in which you answer the following: What is public administration? Why is it important? Provide an overview of its purpose and function in America. Title this section Public Administration. Compare and contrast public administration and business administration. Provide two specific examples of how the fields are different and two examples […]

What happens if the federal government refuses to enforce immigration law and a state is disproportionately impacted by illegal immigration practices?

Discussion board post Legal Issues in Homeland Secure this is a post 250 words concerning the enforcement of immigration law in the United States, consider the following: Should states have the authority to enact and enforce immigration laws within their borders (Consider the case law and legal theory behind immigration enforcement in the United States)? […]

Explain how the U.S. federal government’s financial challenges shape the financial future of state governments, local governments, non-profits, and other public organizations.

The Influence of Government Financials Basic Financial Statements” Explain how the U.S. federal government’s financial challenges shape the financial future of state governments, local governments, non-profits, and other public organizations. Ensure to include in your explanation the advantages and disadvantages of various revenue sources as well as the roles of efficiency, equity, and fairness on […]

What was the immediate and long‐term response(s) of the local, state, and federal governments? What in your opinion could have been done differently to ensure better health outcomes for the victims?

Coursework Prompts Answer each of the prompt clearly and completely utilizing 2 resources for each prompt. Use each prompt as a heading to clearly separate responses. Prompt 1 Choose a recent natural disaster, mass shooting, or similar event to analyze. What was the immediate and long‐term response(s) of the local, state, and federal governments? What […]