Is federalism (the sharing of power between the states and the national government) still a useful concept, or would it be better to have a unified country with only one central government?

Discussion question Answer this question in 100-200 words. Is federalism (the sharing of power between the states and the national government) still a useful concept, or would it be better to have a unified country with only one central government?  

Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and federalism.

CMRJ302: The police in American Society Answer the following: Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and federalism. How do the principles of federalism impact policing? What rights and protections are afforded to American citizens in the Bill of Rights?  

Write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the federal governments of the United States and the country that you chose (Mexico).

Research & Summaries Federalism: Mexico Write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the federal governments of the United States and the country that you chose (Mexico). You may explore issues such as: Federalism Examples Admit new states Conduct elections Declare and engage in war Determine the qualifications of voters Establish and maintain schools Govern […]

How does the U.S. Constitution establish checks and balances and federalism using these pillars?

The Four Pillars of U.S. Government The federal government of the United States was constructed using the directions provided in the U.S. Constitution. Our Founding Fathers had the wisdom and foresight to create a very flexible and intelligently structured government framework that has endured. The entire American political system is based on four constitutionally derived […]

What about gay marriage? If Alabama prohibits it should they be allowed to refuse marriage licenses to gay couples?

Topic: Federalism If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it? What if many states disagree with it? Why or why not? Then look at Marijuana specifically- If the federal government deems it illegal (as it does) should a state like Colorado be […]

Review the links above and analyze the pros and cons of federalism, unitary and confederal systems.

Federalism – Dividing Power between States and the United States Read Chapter 3 textbook and review the links below: Explaining Federalism: Explaining Unitary: Explaining Unitary: Explaining Confederate: Explaining all 3: /__s1i_pdf_advantages_and_disadvantages_of_federal_confederate_and_unitary_systems_of.pdf Explaining all 3: Academics Believe Unitary is Superior (specifically for non-large countries): /Are-Federal-Systems-Better-than-Unitary-Systems.pdf Interesting Mix Decentralized Unitary […]

Which features of state courts do you believe should be reformed-Which are ideal in their current form?

Reforming State Courts Because of federalism and the goal of protecting state political and legal autonomy there is no such thing as a “uniform” court structure used by the states (as will be apparent as you conduct research for your Puerto Rico papers this term). Which features of state courts do you believe should be […]

Explain how-why federalism has a positive-negative impact on the selected topic.

Federalism and Free Speech Utilize the feedback from your Week 2 and 3 Assignments to create a more thorough outline to form your Final Research Paper. The paper must include five main sections: Introductory paragraph that provides a brief background regarding the topic and introduces the main thesis. In-depth discussion of the implications for federalism […]

What are the overall lessons learned for FEMA and the nation from the events related to Hurricane Katrina?

Case study in federalism: the storm Assignment Prompts: Address each of the following questions using the video and outside research using peer-reviewed scholarly sources: 1.Why did the communications system break down hours after Hurricane Katrina? 2.How is the issue of “interoperability” dangerous to the concept of federalism and our entire system of government? 3.What was […]

Describe the structure of the United States’ form of government as a compound constitutional republic, including the ideas of federalism; checks and balances; separation of powers; commerce, elastic, and supremacy clauses; popular sovereignty; and limited government.

describe the structure of the United States’ form of government as a compound constitutional republic, including the ideas of federalism; checks and balances; separation of powers; commerce, elastic, and supremacy clauses; popular sovereignty; and limited government.