What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students-Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback.

Discussion What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students. Why is student self-reflection important as a formative assessment? What are some methods to help ELL students develop self-reflection […]

What is an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses?

Canvas – Course Management System What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why? What is an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses? Discuss which Canvas tools you will use for group activities? What do you think about using a button to like your […]

What kinds of feedback might the probation officer want in order to influence later decisions?

Consider a probation officer contemplating a decision to seek revocation of a client’s probation. What theories might underlie such a decision? What are the goals? What kinds of information should the officer seek? What kinds of feedback might the probation officer want in order to influence later decisions?

Identify which building you selected. Select 3 different spaces/rooms from the floor plan-Estimate the occupancy for each room.

Codes Design Journal The purpose of the Codes Design Journal is to give students an opportunity to observe use of building codes, standards, and guidelines in practice. Each week you will review building plans with a focus on the Code Specifications. Additionally, you will add information based on in-person observations along with photos. You will […]

Identify three strategies that you will now incorporate into your practice based on this course. Explain your rationale.

8DQ1-2 590 DQ1-For professional writing in nursing and health care, APA style is expected. It is also expected for the remainder of your graduate program and in doctoral programs for nursing. Discuss what you have learned, or how you have improved, by completing the “APA Writing Checklist” and from receiving feedback from your instructors. What […]

Which suggested strategies from the feedback are you committed to using this term? Explain why you are committed to using those strategies.

Just a regular essay This is for a discussion board in excelsior college B.A. program. Instructions: Essays must be at least 350 words in order to be meaningfully scored. Aim to write a complete, well-developed essay in order to get accurate feedback about how ready you are for academic writing, and what you can do […]

Are you looking at types of training and development that could create transformational leaders?

Transformational Leadership Training and Development Feedback given by the professor: Regarding the revisions, the current purpose of your paper seems to be to make a case that transformational leadership is the best style of leadership for employee and organizational performance. This needs to be connected to human resources specifically. Your category is training and development, […]

Provide a brief overview of your project and how you came to choose this project.

Dr. Davis Practicum Week 1 PICOT Statement This course will focus on approaching your CGE project topic from a project management perspective. We will spend a majority of this course laying the critical planning foundation. Feedback from your colleagues and peers should be a routine practice when it comes to projects. For this discussion,Address the […]

What assumptions, conditions-premises were important for the results? Strengths-weaknesses in the analysis?

We are studying national economics and statistics that’s why our thesis should include appropriate methods and models. The topic of our thesis is cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin to be precisely . You can freely choose the direction of the research. Examples: how acceptance of Bitcoin as a payment method will affect economic situation of the country, how […]

what might be the best way to acquire data for your purposes?

Data Collection The center point of research studies is the body of data collected to answer the research question. Without data, there would be no study. So… what might be the best way to acquire data for your purposes? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of timeframe, cost, and bias. You also […]