Describe some of the different goals of sentencing demonstrated through different programs and sentencing structures.

7-1 Project Submission Assignment First, describe how the goals of sentencing may lead to specific programs and sentencing structures. In your analysis, include each of the following: Identify the five goals of sentencing. Name and define each goal. Describe how prison programs can foster rehabilitation. Describe some of the different goals of sentencing demonstrated through […]

If this is true, then what does that mean ethically about mass surveillance? 

Discussion content: Whether justified or not, surveillance technologies violate the privacy of civilians for good. “Surveillance of individuals who have not yet or have never committed a crime poses the most significant ethical dilemma”.  However, who here has not committed a crime? You Commit Three Felonies a Day Laws have become too vague and the […]

Can “criminals” ever truly be rehabilitated and become “productive members of society?”Discuss

: Why do people commit crimes? From misdemeanors to violent felonies, some individuals step into the criminal justice system and learn their lesson to never commit a crime again. Others unfortunately become repeat offenders with a never-ending rap sheet. Environment obviously plays a huge role, but it is only one of many factors. The study […]