What reasons should the assistant chief convey to the fire chief to justify the absence of gender bias in the most recent class of firefighters who were promoted?

You volunteer some of your spare time to your local fire department and have been asked by an assistant chief to analyze data on firefighters who applied for promotion. The assistant chief wants to ensure that gender bias is not a concern in the promotion of firefighters. Shown below is data for 50 firefighters who […]

Explain why these recommendations are based on evidence-based practice.

Consider the following patient scenario: A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and has a head circumference of 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart). Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a […]

Describe at least two legal (or political) and two ethical issues that may interfere, or need to be taken into consideration with the staffing scheme recommended in your answer to number one.

Criminal Justice Question For this assignment, you are to fully answer the following questions and support your answers with resources. Answers should be incorporated into a narrative paper. You must use resources to back up your thoughts. Be sure to take a look at the rubric to see how to earn maximum points. Keep careful […]

Write Male offenders, Juvenile Offenders and explain why you have selected this assessment/instrument for this population.

Addiction Studies-Wk 2 DB Research the following addictions screening and assessment instruments (MAST, CAGE, AUDIT, DUSI, Addiction Severity Index and SASSI) and take a position on which type of assessment/instrument would be best to use with each of the following populations: Female offenders, Write Male offenders, Juvenile Offenders and explain why you have selected this […]

Choose two women who were part of the Enlightenment. Briefly discuss their publications and ideas on the female condition.

Choose two women who were part of the Enlightenment. Briefly discuss their publications and ideas on the female condition. Once you have done the above, try to take these individual women and their ideas and appraise the position, concerns, state of emancipation, activity, perceptions, and self-perceptions of women at the time of the Enlightenment. You […]

Discuss Should a York University student’s request to be excused from a group assignment because it involved working with female classmates be accommodated?

Topic: Should a York University student’s request to be excused from a group assignment because it involved working with female classmates be accommodated? Note: The request was made on religious grounds