Analyze the causes of behaviors associated with wife abuse

6.1 Differentiate myths from the reality of family violence 6.2 Outline the extent of family violence in U.S. society 6.3 Explain the social factors associated with marital rape 6.4 Analyze the causes of behaviors associated with wife abuse 6.5 Describe social factors related to child abuse 6.6 Identify risk factors for elder abuse 6.7 Describe […]

Do you feel manifestos such as these are impactful in terms of advancing the arguments and beliefs of the authors?

write a critical book review of approximately 3-4 pages on “Feminism for the 99%” by Nancy Fraser, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Cinzia Arruzza. The review should include a brief summary of the work and its thesis (approx. 20% of the assignment’s length). The rest of the review should be dedicated to analysis and critique. Be specific, […]

What are some of the moments and/or scenes in the films Dole examines to make her case?

Step 0: Watch Legally Blonde, then, read this excellent example of a film analysis: an article by Carol M. Dole called “The Return of Pink: Legally Blonde, third-wave feminism, and having it all.” (Provided below) Step 1: Summarize the text What is Dole’s central argument about third-wave feminism in this article? Sum it up in […]

How has your understanding of feminism been impacted by the world around you?

Topic: Feminism In Daily Life Feminism in Daily Life Assignment (750 – 1000 words) In Living a Feminist Life, Sara Ahmed bring feminism home. Make a link between something in the world around you (a newspaper article, meme, piece of artwork, movie, tv show, etc.) and a topic or issue from the course. This may […]

How was Liberation movement characterized by international perspective with attention to interlocking oppression and support of coalition politics?

Answer the questions below in a paragraph or two. Part I: Activism/Feminism: 1. What is activism for labor rights, civil rights, welfare rights, and immigrant right? 2. How was gender tied to racial, class, religious, sexual, and other identities? 3. What is multiracial feminism and does it call for justice-based vision for societal change. 4. […]

What moral guidelines should we use when it comes to recently introduced healthcare technologies of any kind and social technologies of any kind ?

Caring about feminism In week three, we were looking at rights ethics with regards to Locke. As a reminder, Locke said we have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. It is immoral to violate them. Many think we have more rights than those listed by Locke. Some even think we have a right to […]

What are some of their concerns about the effects of these double standards on young Muslim women?

This Essay is based on the topic Women and Community Step 1: Read carefully the following essays: Zine, J. (2008, Spring). Honour and identity: An ethnographic account of Muslim girls in a Canadian Islamic school. Topia, 19, 35–61. Mcmurray, A. (2008). Hotep and hip-hop: Can black Muslim women be down with hip-hop? Meridians: Feminism, race, […]

What accounts for the feminist movement’s rapid impact on American society-Do you think the “Me Too” Movement is a continuation and broadening of this movement?

This essay covers Week 7 of the readings for this course, including the lecture notes in Modules and the assigned readings in Kerber, Women’s America. The answer should be a 2-3 page essay (double-spaced) with a thesis, conclusion, and source citations listed at the end. Citations may be informal. For Modules, use the name of […]

What is the role third world feminism in african gender politics? -Matriarch vs Patriarchy-do they have any role in-impact on feminism?

The Role of Third World Feminism in African Gender Politics. -Feminism root (history) -Various definitions and perspective -Various scholastic perspective about feminism -Impact of feminism (both positive and negative) -What you seek to address and solve 1.2 Problem Statement Africa then. Africa now. Any relation to the Black African American Feminism history? 1.3 Research Objectives […]