What are the messages being reinforced through these media portrayals/exploitations of women?

Question (respond to all parts as one essay; no sub/headings) Respond to the question in the exact format below for writing your essay. Refer to the readings, films, video clips studied in class, to discuss: How would you define feminism? Who would you argue is the primary audience of media; that is, whose interests more […]

What does treasure signify in Beowulf and “The Pardoner’s Tale,” respectively?

Women & Feminism in Shakespeare In what ways do attitudes towards treasure in these texts reflect the value systems of Anglo-Saxon England (newly Christian with a heroic heritage), and late-fourteenth-century England? In addition to “The Pardoner’s Tale,” you may also refer to “The Pardoner’s Prologue, The Pardoner’s Epilogue, and information on the Pardoner from The […]

In what ways did the goals of feminism of the 1960s and 1970s impact women’s lives, including the American workplace, military and education opportunities, and sexual autonomy? In your response to this topic, select at least one example of how women fought for equality and control. How would the feminist movement prompt changes in women’s personal lives and become a part of popular culture?Explain

Description In what ways did the goals of feminism of the 1960s and 1970s impact women’s lives, including the American workplace, military and education opportunities, and sexual autonomy? In your response to this topic, select at least one example of how women fought for equality and control. How would the feminist movement prompt changes in […]

Compare and contrast Laura Cereta’s and Lucretia Marinella’s approaches to feminism.

Step 1: Watch this lecture introducing this week’s material (7 mins.): Step 2: Watch this video about Michelangelo and Raphael and some of their works (15 mins.): Step 3: Read the first few pages of Chapter 15 of the textbook (pp. 501-516) and spend some good time looking at the art in these pages. Step […]

How would the first wave of feminism correspond to women’s involvement in the public sector?

Description Topic: The Power of a Collective Voice The 19th Amendment was the result of a collective effort of many women and men. How can you relate to the sense of accomplishment felt by many of the suffragists in the aftermath of the ratification of the 19th Amendment? How would the first wave of feminism […]

Discuss the relationship between black feminism and the concept of intersectionality.

Description Intersectionality without women of colour is a train wreck’ (Crunk Collective). Discuss the relationship between black feminism and the concept of intersectionality. – use relevant readings from the materials supplied and reference. and use the structure help document called ‘essay advice’.

Explain Why do some international norms gain wide adherence, driving state behavior, while others do not? Be sure to cite relevant theories and empirical examples, as appropriate.

Part I: Espyi Choose 2 of the questions/topics below and answer them with short essays no more than 4 pages double spaced each (8 pages total). Better essays will reference class discussions/lectures as well as readings. (30 points each) 1) IR scholars spend significant time talking about “structure” in the international system. What is structure’? […]