What are your views about the various approaches to feminism? What is the fair way to treat women and men? What kinds of efforts, if any, do you think should be undertaken to improve current conditions?

Social Work course-discussion board- 350 wrds- 3 scholarly sources- ****What are your views about the various approaches to feminism? What is the fair way to treat women and men? What kinds of efforts, if any, do you think should be undertaken to improve current conditions?

Discuss:To what extend did the developments discussed in this chapter (feminism, globalization, and technological/energy change) have origins in the more distant past? To what extent did they signify something new?

Based on your reading of chapter 22, write an essay which addresses the following questions: To what extend did the developments discussed in this chapter (feminism, globalization, and technological/energy change) have origins in the more distant past? To what extent did they signify something new?