Briefly explain the importance of the perspectives to the field of sociology.

Communications Question This week, you read about the major theoretical perspectives in sociology (functionalist, conflict, feminist, queer, and symbolic interactionist). Write an essay defining and interpreting each perspective. Paraphrase each perspective, using the “Major Perspective PDF file” from textbook as a resource. Additionally, briefly explain the importance of the perspectives to the field of sociology. […]

Discuss how critical research methods can contribute to ameliorating the lives of those effected by modern slavery OR child marriage OR violence against children.

1. The vision and mission of critical psychology includes the application of critical research methods to bring about change. Discuss how critical research methods can contribute to ameliorating the lives of those effected by modern slavery OR child marriage OR violence against children. Choose ONE of the critical research approaches to support your answer (e.g. […]

What and what additional resources are needed and what measures should be taken

Conduct research on how 3 non-profit organizations address a women’s/feminist issue on the local, state, and national levels. The Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO) addresses this issue locally. Ohio Domestic Violence Network addresses this issue on the state level. The National Domestic Violence Hotline addresses this issue on a national level. You also need to […]

Identify an issue that is relevant to one of your communities (e.g., the campus community, your home community, a region of the province that has significance to you)

Topic: Mapping Terrains of Feminist Knowledge Building in Eco-Gender Studies Complete a conceptual map and submit your drawing, PPT, Word Doc, etc. as an attachment here. Please also post a copy to the “Assignments” forum in the Discussions tool. Conceptual mapping can be a useful tool to illustrate, or create a diagram of, the broad […]

Demonstrate understanding of major sociological perspectives of the family.

Family Sociology Demonstrate understanding of major sociological perspectives of the family. Must include explanation of the changes in family structure in terms of changing patterns or marriage, divorce, separation and raising children. Compare and contrast Functionalist, Feminist and Marxist views of the family.

Explain how prisons and policing are critiqued by abolitionist feminists and why they promote those critiques.

1.Demonstrate that you know the history of the Reproductive Justice Movement and apply it to at least two examples of struggles and movements we learned about in class this semester. Additionally, include and describe a third example of a reproductive justice issue we did not cover fully in class this semester. 2.Be able to convey […]

Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality-gender binary.

1. Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and gender binary. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of how different oppressions intertwine. Be able to give specific examples of this. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender as a social construct over time and space. 4. Demonstrate the ability to define feminism(s) in […]

Briefly explain three things that you learned from these resources that have contributed to the tendency to relate technology to the male gender and stereotypes about gender-technology? 

Technology & Perspectives 3 Gender After reading Wacjman’s chapter, “Feminist Theories of Technology,” and Todd’s commentary, “GamerGate and Resistance to the Diversification of Gaming Culture,” in the Required Learning Materials,Do the following: (1)Briefly explain three things that you learned from these resources that have contributed to the tendency to relate technology to the male […]