What does it mean to be a feminist global citizen in the 21st century?

Feminist Citizenship in the 21st Century What does it mean to be a feminist global citizen in the 21st century? Perhaps it means to be someone who does the work of feminist advocacy with a “global feminist consciousness that challenges the interplay of patriarchal, capitalist, and racist power relations” (Reilly, 2007, p. 184).For this research […]

Discuss The Love Witch (Anna Biller, 2016) as example of an approach to filmmaking inspired by the feminist writings on visual pleasure discussed in the textbook (394-396). Describe two scenes (or moments from scenes) in The Love Witch that could be said to privilege female forms of visual pleasure, identifying the effects of particular methods of mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, and sound. What makes these scenes different from how the same material (which could include nudity, gore, and other elements associated with exploitation cinema) might have been handled by a filmmaker other than Anna Biller?

The topics are Discuss Julieta (Pedro Almodovar, 2016) as an example of the aesthetics of film melodrama. Referring to the textbook’s section on melodrama (pages 354-356), identify some melodramatic conventions evident in Julieta. Is Julieta best seen as a family melodrama, a physical melodrama, or a social melodrama? Pick two scenes (or moments from scenes) […]

A Feminist Virtue Ethics?Do you think, therefore, that Aristotelian virtue ethics is improved upon by care ethics/feminist virtue ethics, or was it doing alright on its own?Explain

4.) A Feminist Virtue Ethics? While certainly very important, Aristotle’s articulation of the virtues and their roles in our lives seem to be inherently lacking because they fail to provide a consideration for a multiplicity of viewpoints. In other words, discussions of “virtue” are typically done with masculine/patriarchal/exclusivist overtones. Annette Baier and other feminists offer […]

Examine past development related laws, policies, programming in International Development or Nation-Building and place in conversation with current policies on a variety of topics (not limited to these): women’s land rights, poverty, reproductive rights, water access, gender and health, Indigenous women and livelihoods, gender and conflict, natural disasters, biodiversity conservation

An essay using a critical feminist and/or postcolonial frame to discuss a timely development issue/theme and make the case for 1) historicizing our contemporary development practice, as many (feminist postcolonial scholars do) and 2) to pay attention to the ways multiple forms of power shape international development practice (as postcolonial feminists and critical feminist scholars […]

Discuss what a feminist approach toward restorative justice should look like.

Description This is an argumentative essay for a Women and Gender Studies course. The essay will use one article from class assigned readings (attached) and 3 other outside academic sources. This essay will argue what a feminist approach toward restorative justice should look like.

What does the work suggest about the ways in which race, class, and/or other cultural factors intersect with gender in producing women’s experience?

You should choose some aspect of the Feminist criticism (not the entire theory, but a particular aspect) and apply that theory as a means of analyzing one of the novels you have read. There is no professor assigned prompt for this essay. This class is Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking, and part of being an […]

Explain,List some of the differences between male and female delinquency. Why did previous theories focus almost exclusively on male delinquency? How can feminist theory help fill this theoretical void?

Paper details: List some of the differences between male and female delinquency. Why did previous theories focus almost exclusively on male delinquency? How can feminist theory help fill this theoretical void? Apa references