What is the main point of the book-Why did bell hooks write this book?

Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Communion Essay Choose five out of the seven questions provided below. If you choose to answer six or all seven questions, the 6th and 7th will count as extra credit @ max 10 extra points/each. While the questions specifically ask you to reflect on what you’ve read and […]

How can independence be recovered in a state of dependency-What circumstances limit woman’s liberty and how can they be overcome?

Answer the following questions only using the sorces given 1. According to Karen Offen, most nineteenth-century feminists argued that “women, as the peace-loving sex, had specific qualities and talents from which the entire society could benefit . ” (333). In other words, feminists advocated for greater civil and civic power for women based on women’s […]

What similarities-differences do you see between white feminists-feminists of color? What other factors divided-united feminists in the 1970s? 

Analyze the intersections of race and class in the feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s and the changing views of women’s work. No single feminist voice arose in the 1960s and 1970s. Rather, a multiplicity of voices arose, varying by ideology, race, class, and sexual orientation. These variations can be seen particularly well in […]