What qualities is this deity associated with-How is the deity depicted?

Topic: Tell us about Hindu deities Hinduism conceives of the Divine in numerous forms. For this week’s discussion, explore a topic that relates to Hindu belief and practice in some of its more colorful aspects. Select one of the many Hindu deities and tell us about them. What qualities is this deity associated with? How […]

Why do you believe it is important to continue to cultural expressions like customary celebrations and festivals?

Global Festivals Watch the video links below and read the article. Even though we as humans live in a complex world with various urgencies, why do you believe it is important to continue to cultural expressions like customary celebrations and festivals? What did you learn or stood out to you when learning about these celebrations […]

Analyse atypical patterns of drug use that occur in the social contextofnightlife tourist resorts.

Question 1Part 1: Critically assess drug-related risks in relation to music festivals .Part 2: Evaluate current strategies to reduce these risks (1000 words).This question should be answered as two parts, with the title of each part included as a heading. Each part should have a very brief introduction and conclusion (a couple of sentences to […]