What are some ways that you could increase your fiber intake?

Week 4 Discussion There are many different discussions we can have about carbohydrates as they have recently become the focus of many different weight loss and diet theories, in addition to advertising and product claims. DQ 1: What type of carbohydrates do you consume on a regular basis? What are complex carbohydrates and how are […]

Discuss Faith Ringgold was a quilter who also painted, embroidered imagery into her quilts. If you were to create a story quilt, what story might it tell, what materials would you use and how would you use them? Compare your idea to the multiple ways fiber artists have told a story it to one of the various quilters or fiber craft persons we’ve seen this semester

1Faith Ringgold was a quilter who also painted, embroidered imagery into her quilts. If you were to create a story quilt, what story might it tell, what materials would you use and how would you use them? Compare your idea to the multiple ways fiber artists have told a story it to one of the […]

How well did you meet your recommended fiber intake? If you did not meet your recommended intake, what foods could you add to your diet to increase your fiber intake?Discuss.

1. File out 3 copies of the Food Log. Use this as a guide to track your food intake for three days (2 weekdays and 1 weekend day). 3. Enter you foods from your daily food logs: Go to the Menu heading Diary Click on Add Food and start entering your food from your food […]

What is Kitsch? why was this assigned, and how does it relate to fiber? What is my relationship to kitsch?Discuss.

please read Celeste Olalquiaga’s Rodney and Me, the first chapter of Artificial Kingdom: A Treasury of the Kitsch Experience, and write a 1/2 to 1 page response. Consider questions, What is Kitsch? why was this assigned, and how does it relate to fiber? What is my relationship to kitsch?