Discuss an EBP initiative that was implemented in a health care setting (use fictitious names for people and places) and whether it was successful or not sustainable, with rationale.

Discuss an EBP initiative that was implemented in a health care setting (use fictitious names for people and places) and whether it was successful or not sustainable, with rationale. Choose one of four models of organizational change (Melnyk [2019], Chap. 15, pp. 432-437) that you would use in an advanced nursing role to enhance sustainability […]

Write a 200+ word response describing the advice that you would give to a family member/friend who is looking to change their nutritional habits.

BRAINSTORM Imagine that you have a friend or family member that is looking to change some of their nutritional practices (this can either be an actual person in your life or it can be fictitious). What advice would you give them? Make sure to consider the principles of adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety. […]

Identify and describe another example (real or fictitious) of how privilege is expressed in this way.

Privilege Watch the following video and answer the prompts below. Responses should be 500 words or longer. APA 7 style required for formatting and any references used. Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT-nzPyhH1o Discuss how this video demonstrates privilege? Identify and describe another example (real or fictitious) of how privilege is expressed in this way.

Describe the assessments that you are using-When/why was it created-Who is the assessment intended for (K-5, ages 8-12, etc.)? 

Reading Comprehension Locate two related research-based assessment on the Gray Oral Reading Test-4 (GORT-4) You are conducting a reading assessment. Describe the assessments that you are using. When/why was it created? Who is the assessment intended for (K-5, ages 8-12, etc.)?  What reliability and validity information is available?  Any limitations? Describe the student (use fictitious […]