Ar e there repetitions of words, phrases, or sounds-Unexpected changes in word order?

The Film: https://en.m.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Dr owning_Love_(film) You should include 1-2 quotes fr om the film.How does the passage play with syntax, sound, and wor ds? Ar e there repetitions of words, phrases, or sounds? Unexpected changes in word order? Usage of words that shift readers’ perceptions from the words denotative value to a layered figurative meaning? […]

How did the film help you understand the readings or illustrate what the readings dealt with.

Brief 8 1) Aspects of the reading that you would like to focus on, including historical context, terms, and concepts that you did not understand or wish to have clarified. Here you should raise questions in your reflection and then bring these questions to class; 2) How you feel that the readings may (or may […]

Reflect on an aspect of suffering that comes from these texts and explain what can be learned by either those who suffer or those who learn the story of this suffering.

Sports in Film, Reading Reflection Reflect on two readings. Reflect on an aspect of suffering that comes from these texts and explain what can be learned by either those who suffer or those who learn the story of this suffering. The reflection should be approximately two pages (750-1000 words, double-spaced) with specific moments and/or quotes […]

How does the director portray the early 1940s in this film?

The Movie is: CASABLANCA Respond to one of the following prompts in at least 200 words minimum. Be sure that you begin your response with a claim, argument, or topic sentence that directly and clearly introduces your focus for the response, and remember to include scenic evidence in support. Then respond to two other classmates […]

Describe at least 3 new pieces of information that you learned from the film.

Opinions/Point of view: what key points were made by the speaker(s) in the film? Describe at least 3 key points and be specific. New Information you learned: Describe at least 3 new pieces of information that you learned from the film. Discuss your personal opinions about the film and the reason for your opinion.  

Explain the religious themes, meaning, and/or symbolism that exist within the film/song.

Choose a film or song from popular culture that contains some form of religious symbolism. Try to choose one you like and are familiar with on a personal level. Explain the religious themes, meaning, and/or symbolism that exist within the film/song. Based on your opinion, why do you think religious elements were used in the […]

Discuss the possible impacts of this psychosocial crisis on the character’s relationship with family and any significant others. Provide specific concepts from the textbook and examples from the movie that are related to this Lifespan stage to support your evaluation.

Description Parenthood (1989) is a film that deals sensitively and humorously with family life and the stages of human development. The reciprocity between family members is poignant and mostly accurate (under the circumstances). The film depicts normal and abnormal developmental issues. Using short synopses of scenes from the film to make your point, you will […]