Analyze an episode of Black Mirror and relate it to this philosophical text.

Topic: Analyze an episode of Black Mirror and relate it to this philosophical text. Paper details: For your final (creative) project, you will reflect deeply on a topic of your choosing, all through the lens of a philosophical view we have studied in class. You may write about anything you want. You may choose to […]

What makes it dystopian or utopian? And what is the filmmaker criticizing in present day America? Also compare the governmental and control in the film and novel with examples and quotes. Also describe the environmental issues within the novel and film. Focus on the governmental contrfktol and the humanism, oppression.

Topic: The habdmaid tale verse the hunger game Paper details: You must also address the dystopian/ utopian ideas expressed in the film. What makes it dystopian or utopian? And what is the filmmaker criticizing in present day America? Also compare the governmental and control in the film and novel with examples and quotes. Also describe […]

Discuss the phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of the dialogue in the film AUGUST RUSH at the 35:30 mark in the film (transcript provided below) and from any another point in the movie or from clips with Arther or August.

discuss the phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of the dialogue in the film AUGUST RUSH at the 35:30 mark in the film (transcript provided below) and from any another point in the movie or from clips with Arther or August. (Required minimum of 2 examples for each of 5 concepts analyzed)

Based on the documentary, Billions in Change, what are 3 ways in which Manoj Bhargava and his research team are improving life on earth? How did this documentary inform, surprise, or encourage you?

Book for questions 1: Essentials of Human communication, Ninth Edition By, Jospeh A. Devito According to Chapter 11, you can analyze your audience in terms of sociology & psychology. How do you analyze your audience in your class in terms of sociology and psychology. (Side note, this is a speech and communicate class.) Video for […]

Compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain.

  In your paper, compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain. You must reference specific scenes from the film as evidence, in addition to thorough descriptions and interpretations of the paintings. You should further comment on how the artist’s work influenced the film’s […]

Does this film challenge “the filmic conventions and codes of racial subordination” or does it merely “rework” them? Or does it do both?Discuss

Black history class. Assignment details: This weeks film : The Mack” (1973). In this week’s reading, “The Rise and Fall of Blaxploitation,” Ed Guerrero makes the following observation: This did not mean, however, that the newly emergent black macho images . . . were able to escape . . . Hollywood’s subtle, entangling system of […]

So what? So what effect does a film like this have? Why are the stereotypes there? What affect might they have on the audience? Ok, so there are or are not stereotypes in the media…so what?Discuss

Description (If possible use Wonder Woman or a popular movie) For this essay, I’d like you to investigate the ways in which a particular community is represented (or misrepresented) in the media. You will choose one media source–a film, television show, cartoon, video game, or another media source of your choice–and watch it with a […]

In his Poetics, Aristotle calls spectacle the “least artistic” and least essential element of drama. Why? Do you agree with this assessment? Illustrate your answer with specific examples from at least two dramatic productions

Choose A or B, and write an essay with a clear statement of thesis and specific, detailed evidence to support it (typed, double-spaced, minimum 750 words in length) . A. In his Poetics, Aristotle calls spectacle the “least artistic” and least essential element of drama. Why? Do you agree with this assessment? Illustrate your answer […]