Do you detect any potential ethical shortcomings in the films including some manner of misrepresentation?

CTCS 400 Paper How do the films create a portrait of one or more individuals? What do the films tell us about the relationship between the filmmaker and her subject? How does the filmmaker encourage us to care about the people portrayed on the screen? Do you detect any potential ethical shortcomings in the films […]

What does it tell us about a specific film genre and about American culture in general?

The major focus of your paper should be to discuss the representation of femininity in mainstream Hollywood film. You are asked to relate this issue to the media text (movie), Pitch Perfect. What does it tell us about a specific film genre and about American culture in general? Choose a sequence of about 2 to […]

Discuss , filmmaker John Ford presents his vision of the American West in the latter half of the 19th century. To what extent does the film reflect the realities of the period?

Topic: In The Searchers, filmmaker John Ford presents his vision of the American West in the latter half of the 19th century. To what extent does the film reflect the realities of the period?

Critically assess the work of ONE documentary filmmaker of your choice, locating their work within the broader field of documentary and considering factors such as their approach, style, and storytelling techniques.

Critically assess the work of ONE documentary filmmaker of your choice, locating their work within the broader field of documentary and considering factors such as their approach, style, and storytelling techniques. – Essay 2 in the PDF added