What type of a derivative is the firm selling-What is the premium charged by the firm for these derivatives?

FINC Then answer the questions. In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions: What type of a derivative is the firm selling? What is the premium charged by the firm for these derivatives? Derivative traders always look out to grab arbitrage opportunities. Does the above scheme provide any hidden arbitrage […]

Do you think Richard Severin Fuld Jr. to be held more directly accountable for its role in the Lehman Brothers fall?

Finance Dis First, read the case Lehman Brothers: The Fall from Grace. Then answer the questions. In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions: What was the main reason of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy? Do you think Richard Severin Fuld Jr. to be held more directly accountable for its role in […]

How would the stated “estimated yield” compare to the yield to maturity for an investor who purchased the bonds on the statement date at current market prices?

Finc dis First, read the case Calculating & Disclosing Bond Yields: Ethics and Mechanics. Be sure to read the Notes at the bottom of the case, including: “The term “estimated yield” is essentially synonymous to the term “current yield.” Textbooks define current yield as the bond’s coupon payment divided by the current market value of […]