Why was the study done?How was the study conducted?Discuss

Come to class with work on literature review (First 5 articles: One paragraph for each article: begin the paragraph with the author(s) name and date of the study and include short answers to the four questions in a research brief as well as how the study relates to your topic including what might have been […]

Describe in detail the nursing assessment ‘airway and breathing’ of an acutely unwell child ISSY. You must describe the assessment as indicated on the scenario

There are two main focus areas for the written report: 1) Describe in detail the nursing assessment ‘airway and breathing’ of an acutely unwell child ISSY. You must describe the assessment as indicated on the scenario; 2) Outline the likely findings from that assessment based on the information and images provided in the clinical scenario; […]

Describe the study that was run and what the findings were. What hypothesis is being tested? How does the author build evidence to support their main point? Give specific details about the methodology and the kind of data that were collected. When describing the assessment of the data, it is ok to focus on the descriptions of the findings rather than the details of the statistical analysis.

In your essay, you should: • Paraphrase the research question, why it is interesting, what we already know about this issue, and the main point of the paper. • Describe the study that was run and what the findings were. What hypothesis is being tested? How does the author build evidence to support their main […]

Critically assess the findings and arguments of the author(s) from your perspective.

Each student needs to critically review the article within 500 words. The review must link the topics that we will cover in the class with what you see and observe in the article. You must focus on the followings (but it is not exclusive to these only): 1. Summarize the main topics covered by the […]

Summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses. Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed […]

Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.

Write 2 substantive replies to the 2 attached discussion board threads. Each reply must be a minimum of 250 words and include at least 3 scholarly resources. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, outside scholarly articles, etc. Substantive replies, in contrast to perfunctory replies, add value to the forum, enhance learning, and contain references […]

Why do you think this paper is important? What is the impact of the findings/how did it bring about a new idea to the field? Think about why the instructor selected this paper for you to read. You should end the synopsis with a statement of impact/how the paper advanced the field.

Write a synopsis following the guidelines below about the paper attached. Must answer all 4 bulleted questions. 1. On what previous data/studies is this study based that brought about the reason for this study? Understanding the background should help you in stating the hypothesis of the study. Must answer all 4 questions below. 2. Why […]

Based on the focus group findings, describe what the first drink means in both Italy and Finland, and what types of attitudes are connected with different types of socialization processes. Respond to two posts identifying how positive values can be connected to first memories of drinking.

According to Rolando et al. (2012), “alcohol socialization is the process by which a person approaches and familiarizes with alcohol learns about the values connected to its use and about how, when and where s/he can or cannot drink.” Based on the focus group findings, describe what the first drink means in both Italy and […]

Were appropriate comparisons made to enhance interpretability of the findings?

Method Research design ● Was the most rigorous possible design used, given the purpose of the research? ● Were appropriate comparisons made to enhance interpretability of the findings? ● Was the number of data collection points appropriate? ● Did the design minimize biases and threats to the validity of the study (e.g., was blinding used, […]