Discuss the historical, traditional music and dance of Finland.

Slideshow on Historical, Traditional, and Modern Dance and Music of Finland Discuss the historical, traditional music and dance of Finland. Discuss the modern-day music and dance of Finland Describe the relationship between music and dance in Finland Use this link as one of the sources https://open.lib.umn.edu/mediaandculture/chapter/6…  

Compare and contrast the infant feeding practices between the country you chose and what you are familiar with from your culture/background.

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Develop a paper to compare and contrast infant feeding practices and traditions between cultures. You will research infant feeding practices from one country using the Rasmussen Library Database and credible internet sources. You can also watch the movie Babies which can be found online or […]

What modifications, if any, are needed to be made to the current business model?

Franchise Model This is a fictional situation, which is students will research, develop and competently present a comprehensive marketing plan for their specific Canadian product or service to enter a specific offshore market. We decided to pick Tim Hortons, a Canadian multinational fast food restaurant chain to be marketed in Finland. The purpose of International […]

What did you notice about the classroom environment in Finland -Finnish?

Classroom Analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYVSL_B3wqM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xCe2m0kiSg What did you notice about the classroom environment in Finland and Finnish? Make sure to include an analysis of what underlying beliefs and values may have informed what you observed.What beliefs or values might be beneath the surface of what you are observing. Use persuasive essay format.

Describe the lessons that you as aspiring Texas school leaders can learn from Finland.

Topic: Lessons learned from Finland Paper details: A supplementary paper (2 pages) must describe the lessons that you as aspiring Texas school leaders can learn from Finland. Please describe how the lessons learned can be applied to practice and connect the practice to TAC Principal Standards and TExES competencies.